Canadian Frontline Nurses Goodbye


Hello Fellow Warriors!

It’s been a while now since you have heard from me personally. I still remember the first email I sent out, to a group of nurses and healthcare workers feeling alone and isolated wondering what was going on in the world. I remember it felt great to come together and know that we weren’t “crazy” as had been made out to feel. 

Canadian Frontline Nurses, Kristen Nagle

It was my immense privilege and honour to be able to communicate with you so openly and freely during the beginning of the world changing forever as we had once known it. I was able to pour my heart out and in return you showed me yours.


Through all the confusion, tragedy, lies, and choas you were there, with your loving support and encouragement. As much as I wanted to lift you up and inspire you - you did this for me and kept me going.

When I first spoke out in 2020 it was to remove the fear I was seeing consume people. As a nurse and also a holistic nutritionist I wanted to provide people with tools and information and equip people and families with knowledge to combat the fear campaigns being pushed at us. I hoped to inspire others to realize they were in control of their lives and their health and did not need the government to dictate how they lived, felt and took care of their families. You are the experts and only you! I wanted everyone to feel and know this to be true!

As the world crashed around us, you helped me find strength that I never realized existed within me. I am beyond proud for the stance that I took and proud of all of us for banding together and standing strong when it felt the world was collapsing around us! The last three years has been the most challenging, heart wrenching, fulfilling, proudest moments of my life! I am so beyond thankful for all of it and all of you! There is nothing I would change.

You were with us from the beginning. You lifted us up everytime the media tried to destroy us, you came and met us across the country and at different rallies and events we all attended, you came out and braved the cold during the convoy as all of Canada stood in solidarity together, watching one of Canada’s greatest moments in recent history! My heart is beyond full - those were some of my favourite, happiest memories that I will forever hold in my heart forever.

After the convoy - I felt complete. I felt I had accomplished all I needed to in the “fight.” There was so much love at the convoy, everyone came together and worked on solutions. Every new challenge presented to us, we found a way around it. The amount of love, acceptance and peace I felt is indescribable. I knew then, that was the lesson. We are meant to take this feeling, take this experience and bring it back into our own hearts, homes and communities. This is where I realized change would occur - at a smaller scale.

I never wanted to make fighting the government a long term thing or run an organization long term, or make a career of this. I wanted to learn how to live amongst the chaos with my family, friends and loved ones and show others how to do the same. I wanted to create and find solutions and keep moving forward without looking back. I wanted to be free to live life on my terms and help others do the same.

I’ll never be able to express my immense gratitude for all of you. For your support, tears, love, encouragement, financial generosity - all of it, throughout the years. It has meant more to me and my family more then you will ever know.

With the addition of baby Adley into our lives, I’m being called more to return to the home, with my small children - as these years go by too fast and I refuse to allow the evil ones to take anymore years from our lives and our experiences together as a family. That’s how they win - when we allow them to steal our joy in the here and now!

So in this long convulated way - it’s time for a new chapter with Canadian Frontline Nurses. It’s time for me to say goodbye and focus on what is near and dear to my heart and my personal way to “fight” back! Which to me was always to lead by example to inspire others to live a life of peace, passion and purpose, to live with love and joy, to thrive, to exceed far greater then ever imaginable, despite all the challenges and constantly being knocked over. It’s to get up everytime, to say no to the fear, the evil, the lies and say you have no hold on my life! I will continue to rise up! I will continue to walk forward! I will continue to create a new path! I will continue to live a joyful life! I will continue….. I will continue! That is how I choose to fight - by never letting them knock me down and creating the best possible future I can for my children and all the future generations coming after us - I will continue to live a fulfilled life - with eyes above and not on this world! We’re here for kingdom warriors in this battle! This is what I’m here for - to win this spiritual battle with a full heart - eyes focussed on the kingdom and not of this world.

It never really is goodbye. Just a new chapter. A new Season. End of an Era for Canadian Frontline Nurses - but not us as individuals - as we continue to our own personal missions and purpose in this lifetime.

Wow! Am I ever proud of Canadian Frontline Nurses and all that we accomplished and everyone that stood with us! Can you believe that journey we all shared together? It’s truly an incredible feat and it brings tears to my eyes to think - we did ALL OF THAT!

I love you more then you know, and will always move forward with truth, integrity and love creating the best possible future for our children.

It’s hard to end this - but I’ll close with - I hope you all are incredibly proud of the stance you took! You changed lives, you shifted the consciousness, you changed the trajectory and I hope you are all so very proud of everything you have endured the last three years! I know I am.

Love you all so much,

Kristen Nagle



Do any of us know where life will take us?


Why I Resigned